Taylor Swift Or T. S. Eliot?
Let us go then, you and I / knew you were trouble when you walked in.
A friend sent me a link to one of those online quizzes. "It's about poetry," she said, "I figured you'd like it."
It is called "Who Said It: Taylor Swift Or T. S. Eliot?"
Yes, it gives you a line and you have to identify the author - T.S. or the other T.S.
Pretty easy, right? I mean T.S. Eliot
You'd be surprised how tricky the quiz can be.
The first three lines in the quiz are:
"I am glad you have a cat."
"Hold tight, hold tight."
"You are the music, while the music lasts."
We know Eliot had his cat poems
Do you dare to try?
Go to http://www.buzzfeed.com/jenniferschaffer/who-said-it-taylor-swift-or-t-s-eliot
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